Saturday, 24 September 2011

Being A Real Mormon

Until recently the truths that are contained within the Book of Mormon were lost. Then the lord opened up once again the windows of heaven and revealed his intention of reestablishing his church upon the earth that was lost when Joseph Smith died.

LDS Utah Mormons as they should be called would have you believe that the mantle of leading Gods church upon the earth passed to Brigham Young upon Joseph's death this is an inaccuracy born out of misinterpreting the doctrine and covenants of the time.

To fully understand the Mission of Joseph Smith you need to understand the Book of Jeraneck as a part of revealed scripture. To all past or present LDS Members search your heart and come back to real Mormonism, come to The Latter Day Church Of Jesus Christ Where we use Scripture that has not been altered to fit Distorted views of the origins of the Gospel that was restored by Joseph, or that have defiled the scriptures by altering them or adding them in Joseph's name

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Real History of Britain

In ancient Britain their lived several groups of Christian followers ttravelled from the middle east to find a land where they could practice their faith in peace.

Despite what modern so called academics tell you these people who built stonhenge were not druids or illiterate cavemen they where skilled in metal crafts and had equipment that could move large objects with ease. The book of Jaraneck is a history these people given to the world through a prophet in modern times. All the world is in need of this wonderful book, It is a companion to the bible and the Book of mormon in fact, all LDS Mormons should read this as it will help them find the true Mormon church as established by Joseph Smith the Latter day church of Jesus Christ.